domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017

English Language Challenges.

It is difficult to learn english in college, there are many factors that negatively influence learning. For example, academic pressure is a very important factor and makes your concentration focus on your career subjects. In general my experience has not been positive, because the time needed to learn a language very different from my native language has not been the necessary. But, on the other hand, the use of the blog is a very different tool than I was accustomed to study English and that has made me learn in a more innovative and topics that are of my interest. Therefore, with more dedication time to learn the English language and using an innovative tool like the blog, I think my learning can grow over time.

I think I should improve my organization to study this language, find new ways to learn it and not stay with the old ways of learning it. For example, talking online with people who speak English, which would make the language something closer or everyday for me. Another thing that could help me learn the english language, is to watch movies or series that have a more colloquial language, ie how people speak more everyday english speaking.

Finally, outside the classroom, speaking English has become a more everyday habit, the English is getting closer, especially in social networks, which has made the English is closer and learn more and more. On the other hand, the english form is a joke and often mixed with spanish, which can be negative because it can generate a wrong learning.

jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017

My favorite subject this semester

Name: Bernardo Jorquera Leyton

In this semester really not like a more subject of my curricular mesh, but the subjects I liked the most were Sociology and Social History of Chile. The subjects among themselves, are very different, because Sociology is more traditional subject, with a class where only the teacher talks about the content. Also, in this subject we only read european authors. The subject, in general It was of the evolution of the sociology since it's origin in the 19th century until the postmodernism in the second part of the 20th century. The reason I like it, it was because the subject made read from an author who is talked about a lot, but he really read little. 

The second subject I liked was Social History of Chile, because, in counterposition, it was very different than sociology, with a class where not only the teacher speak, and where the teacher allowed a more collective class. The class, in general, It's was a social history, with chilean author's and political and social topical. Really like this subject, because I learned a lot from the non-traditional history and the memory of the common people. 

lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

Antonio Gramsci

Antonio Gramsci was an Italian marxist theorist and politician. He wrote on political theory, sociology and linguistics. He attempted to break from the economic detterminism of traditional marxist thought and so is considered a key Neo-Marxist He was a founding member and one-time leader of the communist party of Italy and was imprisoned by Benito Mussolini's fascist regime. Antonio Gramsci was born on January 22, 1891, in Sardinia, Italy. In 1915, he became a journalist for the Italian Socialist Party. In 1921, the party split into the Italian Communist Party, of which he was an active participant. In 1926, he was arrested for speaking out against fascism. He started his “Prision Notebooks" in 1929 and died still a prisoner on April 27, 1937, in Rome, Italy.

Gramsci is a great intellectual reference, because he was an advance to his time, broke with the traditional Marxism that at that time put the Stalinism. Also, he wrote his great work from prison, which makes his intellectual display even more meritorious. For me, Antonio represents the basis for thinking about how culture affects human beings.

jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017

My favorite photograph

This photograph was taken by my friend Nicolás Tapia Yañez. It was taken in July 2016 and was awarded in May 2017 with the first national place of the "Sexto Concurso de Fotografía del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial "Captura tu Entorno" del Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes.

Its the material sample ofa whole life of sacrifice and effort of any family, whose faces can not be distinguished and it is very representative of the place where I come from. Here you can see two people who are carrying a jar of goat milk, in any house, from any place in the province of Choapa. This photograph also reflects the hard life of the peasant farmer, who works every day to be able to rise. This journey made between the place where the goats are milked and their house is done every day, all year round, by many people who subsist by this means. This work results in the production of goat milk cheese that is sold to the merchants of the cities at a very low price. This practice was very common in the area but it is already being lost.

La imagen puede contener: una o varias personas, nubes, cielo y exterior

jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2017


I today I will talk about the post grades and the importance that they have for our generation.
I think that is necessary have a post grade because it increases the knowledge and enables to specialize areas of interest, in my case I would like tospecialize in studies about Latin America’s natives on ‘Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México’  or political economy on the Charles University of Praga, I’d love study in the country, for example, México or Czech Republic, because I could have a different and closer vision of my studies, also I would have the opportunity to meet other cultures and a myriad of things.
On the other hand, nowadays the undergraduate is not as important as before, because postgraduate studies have been positioned above the undergraduate level, cause the magisters have a higher cost and this has made that few people can acquire that kind of knowledge.