jueves, 26 de julio de 2018


Hello guys, today I speak about my opinnion of environmental .

In first place, I think that problem is a "political problem", that is to say a problem of the capitalist sistem and more specific the extractive  capital. That particularity of sistem is devastating a lot of countries which are dependent on their "naturals means", altering the natural order of the planet,  for example, driying rives, logging tees and making the climate very different in your natural order. 

I think than problem is coming out of control, the climate change is to provoke irreversible changes as the extinction of more animals or the forced displacement of a lot of people out of yours homes. As I said before, I think that problem is a political, but also is a cultural problem, because it shows a mercantl conception of the planet. The solution is, in my opinnion, finish the capitalism, have a new conception of the our planet, of the our "naturals means".

On other hand, obviusly this problem have a practical small solutions, practices in the cotidian life. As have a life different to the rest of people, that is to say, using the public transport and not use the car, or use the bicycle as your the principal transport of your life. Also, the recycling  is a very important topic in this practice. Organized and to distinguish the different materials is the most important. Anyway, the best practice for the cotidian life is the organization with our community,  we should used the recycling for make relations and speak about the concrete problems but also of the structural problems what have in chek the planet.

Bye guys! I hope to read your opinions :)

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