martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

In many opportunities the people say tham the education is the motor of the progress. One topic of this is the books and the invest of the countries in this. The devoleped countries showed that within theirs politics be the more inportant invest in books. The next graph is a representative sample of the money spent on books by for countries of Europe. This countries are: Germany, France, Italy and Austria. The graph show the money in millions of dolars than the countries investment in books and the evolution between the years 1995 and 2005. Germany: Germany shows that is the nation which invests the most in books. Their evolution in the graph proves this: In 1995, Germany invested 80 millions of dolars in books, a number very far from the next country down, France wich invested 10 millions of dolar for below. This invest increase slightly (90 millions of dolars) until 1999, in where the invest decrese slightly, until the same number that in 1995. This, between 1999 and 2003. Then, in 2003 the invest increase rapidly, exceeded the 90 millions of dolars. France: France shows that is the second nation wich invest is most in books. In 1995, the invest of the goberment of France was approximately 55 millions of dolars. Then go up a little to 1999 (aproximately 60 millions of dolars). In this year the invest increase rapidly to 70 millions of dolars. Then, between 2001 and 2003, the invest remain steady until that this, in 2003, increase slightly to 2005 in aproximately 10 millions, reaching the 80 millions of dolars. Italy: Italy in 1995 had have invest in books of 50 millions of dolars. This number increase slightly to aproximately 55 millions to 1997. Then, in this year, the number decrease dramatically to below of the 50 millions in 1999. After that between 199 and 2001 the invest of the goberment of Italy increase slightly to the same number that in 1995. Next, the number increase rapidly to more of 60 millions of dolars. Austria: Austria in 1995 had have the minor number of invest in books in contrast with the others countries. Their invest was of 30 millions of dolars. But, after that, to 1999, the invest of the central Europe country increase rapidly, until the 40 millions. Between 1999 and 2001 the invest stay the same number. Then, the number increase heavily, until the 60 millions. Finally, the invest increase again in 10 millions, until the 70 millions of dolars in invest of books. Conclusions The graph show clearly that the most invest in books of this countries is Germany, with a final number of the aproximately 90 millions of dolars. But, in contrast, surprisingly, is the country wich numer more time decrease, between 199 and 2003. However, Germany show that is a big economy, which budget is good invest. Conversely, Austria is the country which budget in books more progress, passing of the 30 millions in 1995 to 6o millions in 2003.

martes, 30 de octubre de 2018


The language is a medium for comunicate with others humans and look solutions for the conflicts than usually  confront the humanity. Since the origin of humanity the lenguague be present in the most importants events, as the discovery of the fire or the invention of the wheel. In alls of this events or discoverys, the language be present  for cominicate this great achievements whit others humans than reproduce this achievements. Accordingly, know-how the language from the biginning is a privilege of a few persons and this a constituent element of the power and imposition to others. Is clear than this tool (the language) is a power for opresed to who can't dominate the language. 

For nature, the languague is learned and is a imitation of others humans, that is to say than the languague always is a "theft" and just is the unic form to learn the languague and then cumunicate.

Regard with the chilean lenguage I think than is a very conservative with the new language, the "inclusive lenguage". I think than the chilean lenguage should open to others forms to speak and comunicate, in where all be inclusive in the languague.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018

English 5: sample of a simple introduction (week 2 wrtiting)

The community tourism of Mapuche people


A long of the chilean history the Mapuche people have had many problems for live in the chilean territory. This problems a cause for the enormous racism and colonialism be characteristic of a chilean society. The Mapuche people always have had resist this negative prejudice, ever with dignity and spirit of fight for your cause. Just does not with the war or physics fight, also this people have had resistance with others activities or trades, as bakes or housekeeper. In syndicates or groups, this historical trades of Mapuche people has been organized for yours rights and for survive in a hostile country with they. 

In the start of the XXl century, the new governing of centre-left party, the "concertación", was make a "new deal" with the indigenous people, invested more money in indigenous programs and creating the "CONADI", a corporation didicate especially to the indigenous topics. This news politics publics started in the new century have a multicultural logical, whose intention is a depoliticization of the indigenous people by means of the economic vision. 


But this intention for part of the state not only been alone, because the indigenous people and particularity the Mapuche people just not accept this does not say anything, does not make actions against this logical. Is this topic the motive of this text, the pugnacity of the Mapuche people and the state in the new politics publics of state in this century, and who the Mapuche people resist whit tools of give the system. One of this tools is the community tourism of "Trawun group".

Proposed solution:

Is very difficult see a solution for this problem, is clear what this situation not change from overnight. 

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018

Bio Data

Bernardo Jorquera Leyton, was born in 1997, in Recoleta, Santiago de Chile. Is a Social anthropologist gradueted of  Universidad de Chile and Master in Latinoamerican studies for UNAM. At present is doctoral student of UC-Louvain in Belgium. He is a expert in latinoamerican socials moviments of this clicle, as environmental moviments or indigenous moviments. For example, he investigated from near the Mapuche moviment in your country, Chile, in the general rebelion of this people against the forestry industries in 2022. Today he is teaching in the Alberto Hurtado University and in Humanismo Cristiano University, giving the mapuche culture class and the Etnomarxism class.
Also is member of the "Collective of militant anthropology", that is a Latinoamerican collective in a revolutional line againt the traditional acadamy and comitted with the social causes. He is always traveling to different parts of Latin America for to participate in different meetings with other social scientists and social movements, as in his words says: "the latinoamerican union is fundamentaly for to win in the war againt neoliberalim and the imperialism".

Together with the archaeologist Guillermo Ramírez, they are represent the new faces of Chilean anthropology and the hope of achieving a militant and committed anthropology with the community.

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018

Free time

Hello guys, today I going to talk about of my favorite hobby in me free time.

I´m a singular person for this campus or for this faculty. In here place, the people is very talented, the guys of this faculty are very good in differents activities . For example, a lot of them practice differents arts, as circus or painting, or play a musical instrument. As oppesed, I´m a more simple guy, I don´t have a lots of hobbys. In fact, I have just hobby, that is play football. I play football since i can remember. Since a little boy play in the street and in the soccer field of cement near of my house. With my friends played alls of days when we was more youngs. Today the practice of this activity is different, now I´m not have a lot of time for play football everyday, and also my energy is enough for play everyday. In general, I play football thre or for times in the week. I train FACSO selection two times and play with my friends one or two times. In general, the place where I practice football is in the soccer field of Juan Gomez Millas or in a soccer field in La Florida, near of my house. The surface of this fields is of synthetic grass. That activity involves a ball, that is essential, a soccer field and players with a more passion and layalty for respect this beautiful game. Say for why I enjoyed the game is a little difficult because is a very unthinking, is more a sensitive expirence, in where I feel free, speed, with my mind clear and relaxed.

Guys it was a nice experience to share some things of my life with you :)

jueves, 26 de julio de 2018


Hello guys, today I speak about my opinnion of environmental .

In first place, I think that problem is a "political problem", that is to say a problem of the capitalist sistem and more specific the extractive  capital. That particularity of sistem is devastating a lot of countries which are dependent on their "naturals means", altering the natural order of the planet,  for example, driying rives, logging tees and making the climate very different in your natural order. 

I think than problem is coming out of control, the climate change is to provoke irreversible changes as the extinction of more animals or the forced displacement of a lot of people out of yours homes. As I said before, I think that problem is a political, but also is a cultural problem, because it shows a mercantl conception of the planet. The solution is, in my opinnion, finish the capitalism, have a new conception of the our planet, of the our "naturals means".

On other hand, obviusly this problem have a practical small solutions, practices in the cotidian life. As have a life different to the rest of people, that is to say, using the public transport and not use the car, or use the bicycle as your the principal transport of your life. Also, the recycling  is a very important topic in this practice. Organized and to distinguish the different materials is the most important. Anyway, the best practice for the cotidian life is the organization with our community,  we should used the recycling for make relations and speak about the concrete problems but also of the structural problems what have in chek the planet.

Bye guys! I hope to read your opinions :)

jueves, 12 de julio de 2018


In general, the chilean people it's very racist, and express that racism in annoying way. This expression's can see in street, in the work, in the tv, and more others public's space and is the reflex of the a very important problem, a historical problem whit the really mean be a chilean guy. I think was origin of this problem is the european colonialism, the white color imposition who a stereotipe of good. This imposition come in the a lot spaces of the society, in a lot spaces of our reality, who our body, thinking, moral, ethics, love, etc. This is creating an a ideology, a common way for answer to arrival of inmigrants, in special whit the inmigrants darks kind people or indigenous people. Obviously exist others types of discrimination, who discrimination to the LGTBI activist people or the discrimination against the woman's, the sexism. These discriminations are also a very important focus of the chilean people and also are influenced for "the ideology". 

I think what this three discriminations are most very worse, because with this three unite the others discrimination, as the discrimination against poor people or against of differents religions. Hopefully walk to a world against the racism, against the discrimination and especially against world colonilism.

Good Bye guys! :)

jueves, 5 de julio de 2018


Hello guys, today I´m going to write about "my ideal job".

Since was a little boy I think in the job of my dreams. Remember what I wanted to be a doctor, after I wanted to be a firefighter, that is to say the typical trades or professions what a little boy wants to.
That situation don't change when I grew up. When I'm was a adolescent, my ideal job or my dream was going to a football player, play in a European club and play for Chile in a world cup. With the time, that dream couldn´t be done. 

Today, my ideal job It's dissimilar. Now study a discipline than is concerned for the people. for the all of cultures. Is for that, who in a future job, I would like help the people from the education, more specific, help to respect everywhere education's by of culture´s. I would love to make a interculturality school, commanded for the community and with a funding colective. I think than skilss for succed are, in the first place, have the tittle of anthropolgist, then have a specialization in interculturality education and to be rigorous for achieve the money. 

I think with that, I would feel very good, because I have been a help for a lot of people than not can have access to the knowledge of own culture. 

I hope to read yours "ideal jobs". Bye :)

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018

What I like and what I want to do in the future

One of the things that motivates me a lot is to learn more about my career, anthropology, because many times in the basic cycle topics are too general and are not of my total interest. Mainly there are three topics in which I am introducing myself, these are: anthropology of education, urban anthropology and ethnomarxism.

In the first place, it seems very important to me that an anthropologist is linked to the educational theme, because it is in this instance where human beings, in addition to early childhood, form their base of thought and action that will accompany them for the rest of their lives. In addition, education is an apparatus of control on the part of the state, therefore forms the mold that society wants to build as a human being.

On the other hand, urban anthropology captures my interest in being in the everyday, in the common places I usually move around. It is very interesting for me to see how people move and give meaning to their spaces, in addition to how the late-modern city is taking shape and getting into tension with the people who live there. The phenomenon of the city is something that really fascinates me and that's why I would love to work interdisciplinary with professionals dedicated to this topic, such as geographers or architects. I imagine that it should be a very enriching and helpful dialogue.

I hope in the near future to devote much more time to these two topics. Greetings, fellows!

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2018


The name of the movie is" Good Bye Lenin!". I remember that I saw this movie in my house, after a school teacher recommended it to me in 2016. The main actors in the film are Daniel Brühl,  Katrin Saß, Chulpan Khamatova, Maria Simon and Florian Lukas. Belongs to the drama genre. 

When I saw this movie I knew I would see it many times more. I knew that it would become my favorite movie, because it included many elements that have always attracted my attention. The historical period that it reflects is the last stage of what was understood by real socialisms, the end of the socialist dreams that the Bolsheviks initiated in 1917. The film managed to transfer all those emotions that the people of the German Democratic Republic felt when they saw their country fall, when they saw their compatriots enter the machine of capitalism. The movie I manage to move and show another side of that country that usually never show, that nostalgia, that love shown by their former citizens.

Besides, maybe from that emotional side that aroused the film in me, there are also other details that I find great, as well as how well the characters are in terms of costumes and the atmosphere that was given to the film. These details made me feel like I was in those years, walking through the old oriental berlin, seeing its old buildings, its parks or its impressive "Berliner Fernsehturm".