martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

In many opportunities the people say tham the education is the motor of the progress. One topic of this is the books and the invest of the countries in this. The devoleped countries showed that within theirs politics be the more inportant invest in books. The next graph is a representative sample of the money spent on books by for countries of Europe. This countries are: Germany, France, Italy and Austria. The graph show the money in millions of dolars than the countries investment in books and the evolution between the years 1995 and 2005. Germany: Germany shows that is the nation which invests the most in books. Their evolution in the graph proves this: In 1995, Germany invested 80 millions of dolars in books, a number very far from the next country down, France wich invested 10 millions of dolar for below. This invest increase slightly (90 millions of dolars) until 1999, in where the invest decrese slightly, until the same number that in 1995. This, between 1999 and 2003. Then, in 2003 the invest increase rapidly, exceeded the 90 millions of dolars. France: France shows that is the second nation wich invest is most in books. In 1995, the invest of the goberment of France was approximately 55 millions of dolars. Then go up a little to 1999 (aproximately 60 millions of dolars). In this year the invest increase rapidly to 70 millions of dolars. Then, between 2001 and 2003, the invest remain steady until that this, in 2003, increase slightly to 2005 in aproximately 10 millions, reaching the 80 millions of dolars. Italy: Italy in 1995 had have invest in books of 50 millions of dolars. This number increase slightly to aproximately 55 millions to 1997. Then, in this year, the number decrease dramatically to below of the 50 millions in 1999. After that between 199 and 2001 the invest of the goberment of Italy increase slightly to the same number that in 1995. Next, the number increase rapidly to more of 60 millions of dolars. Austria: Austria in 1995 had have the minor number of invest in books in contrast with the others countries. Their invest was of 30 millions of dolars. But, after that, to 1999, the invest of the central Europe country increase rapidly, until the 40 millions. Between 1999 and 2001 the invest stay the same number. Then, the number increase heavily, until the 60 millions. Finally, the invest increase again in 10 millions, until the 70 millions of dolars in invest of books. Conclusions The graph show clearly that the most invest in books of this countries is Germany, with a final number of the aproximately 90 millions of dolars. But, in contrast, surprisingly, is the country wich numer more time decrease, between 199 and 2003. However, Germany show that is a big economy, which budget is good invest. Conversely, Austria is the country which budget in books more progress, passing of the 30 millions in 1995 to 6o millions in 2003.