martes, 30 de octubre de 2018


The language is a medium for comunicate with others humans and look solutions for the conflicts than usually  confront the humanity. Since the origin of humanity the lenguague be present in the most importants events, as the discovery of the fire or the invention of the wheel. In alls of this events or discoverys, the language be present  for cominicate this great achievements whit others humans than reproduce this achievements. Accordingly, know-how the language from the biginning is a privilege of a few persons and this a constituent element of the power and imposition to others. Is clear than this tool (the language) is a power for opresed to who can't dominate the language. 

For nature, the languague is learned and is a imitation of others humans, that is to say than the languague always is a "theft" and just is the unic form to learn the languague and then cumunicate.

Regard with the chilean lenguage I think than is a very conservative with the new language, the "inclusive lenguage". I think than the chilean lenguage should open to others forms to speak and comunicate, in where all be inclusive in the languague.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018

English 5: sample of a simple introduction (week 2 wrtiting)

The community tourism of Mapuche people


A long of the chilean history the Mapuche people have had many problems for live in the chilean territory. This problems a cause for the enormous racism and colonialism be characteristic of a chilean society. The Mapuche people always have had resist this negative prejudice, ever with dignity and spirit of fight for your cause. Just does not with the war or physics fight, also this people have had resistance with others activities or trades, as bakes or housekeeper. In syndicates or groups, this historical trades of Mapuche people has been organized for yours rights and for survive in a hostile country with they. 

In the start of the XXl century, the new governing of centre-left party, the "concertación", was make a "new deal" with the indigenous people, invested more money in indigenous programs and creating the "CONADI", a corporation didicate especially to the indigenous topics. This news politics publics started in the new century have a multicultural logical, whose intention is a depoliticization of the indigenous people by means of the economic vision. 


But this intention for part of the state not only been alone, because the indigenous people and particularity the Mapuche people just not accept this does not say anything, does not make actions against this logical. Is this topic the motive of this text, the pugnacity of the Mapuche people and the state in the new politics publics of state in this century, and who the Mapuche people resist whit tools of give the system. One of this tools is the community tourism of "Trawun group".

Proposed solution:

Is very difficult see a solution for this problem, is clear what this situation not change from overnight.