miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018

Bio Data

Bernardo Jorquera Leyton, was born in 1997, in Recoleta, Santiago de Chile. Is a Social anthropologist gradueted of  Universidad de Chile and Master in Latinoamerican studies for UNAM. At present is doctoral student of UC-Louvain in Belgium. He is a expert in latinoamerican socials moviments of this clicle, as environmental moviments or indigenous moviments. For example, he investigated from near the Mapuche moviment in your country, Chile, in the general rebelion of this people against the forestry industries in 2022. Today he is teaching in the Alberto Hurtado University and in Humanismo Cristiano University, giving the mapuche culture class and the Etnomarxism class.
Also is member of the "Collective of militant anthropology", that is a Latinoamerican collective in a revolutional line againt the traditional acadamy and comitted with the social causes. He is always traveling to different parts of Latin America for to participate in different meetings with other social scientists and social movements, as in his words says: "the latinoamerican union is fundamentaly for to win in the war againt neoliberalim and the imperialism".

Together with the archaeologist Guillermo Ramírez, they are represent the new faces of Chilean anthropology and the hope of achieving a militant and committed anthropology with the community.