domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018

What I like and what I want to do in the future

One of the things that motivates me a lot is to learn more about my career, anthropology, because many times in the basic cycle topics are too general and are not of my total interest. Mainly there are three topics in which I am introducing myself, these are: anthropology of education, urban anthropology and ethnomarxism.

In the first place, it seems very important to me that an anthropologist is linked to the educational theme, because it is in this instance where human beings, in addition to early childhood, form their base of thought and action that will accompany them for the rest of their lives. In addition, education is an apparatus of control on the part of the state, therefore forms the mold that society wants to build as a human being.

On the other hand, urban anthropology captures my interest in being in the everyday, in the common places I usually move around. It is very interesting for me to see how people move and give meaning to their spaces, in addition to how the late-modern city is taking shape and getting into tension with the people who live there. The phenomenon of the city is something that really fascinates me and that's why I would love to work interdisciplinary with professionals dedicated to this topic, such as geographers or architects. I imagine that it should be a very enriching and helpful dialogue.

I hope in the near future to devote much more time to these two topics. Greetings, fellows!

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2018


The name of the movie is" Good Bye Lenin!". I remember that I saw this movie in my house, after a school teacher recommended it to me in 2016. The main actors in the film are Daniel Brühl,  Katrin Saß, Chulpan Khamatova, Maria Simon and Florian Lukas. Belongs to the drama genre. 

When I saw this movie I knew I would see it many times more. I knew that it would become my favorite movie, because it included many elements that have always attracted my attention. The historical period that it reflects is the last stage of what was understood by real socialisms, the end of the socialist dreams that the Bolsheviks initiated in 1917. The film managed to transfer all those emotions that the people of the German Democratic Republic felt when they saw their country fall, when they saw their compatriots enter the machine of capitalism. The movie I manage to move and show another side of that country that usually never show, that nostalgia, that love shown by their former citizens.

Besides, maybe from that emotional side that aroused the film in me, there are also other details that I find great, as well as how well the characters are in terms of costumes and the atmosphere that was given to the film. These details made me feel like I was in those years, walking through the old oriental berlin, seeing its old buildings, its parks or its impressive "Berliner Fernsehturm".